City Projects and Information

City Hall

 A message from your City Manager …

Despite the soggy winter weather, a great deal of progress continues to be made by city staff.  A very special event, Dawsonville Home and Business Expo is planned for March 28, 2019 at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame (GRHOF) between the hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. . Stop by anytime between these hours. This event is sponsored by the City of Dawsonville, the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce and USDA Rural Development.  It will highlight USDA and SBA loans as well as an opportunity to meet with lenders and other service providers who can assist you with your business, such as, start-ups, expansions, business plans, financial projections, environ-mental information for businesses, farm loans, assistance for public bodies and non-profits, home loans, home repair loans and grants. Business assistance providers, lenders and government officials will be on site to discuss your needs. Information will also be available regarding home repairs or purchases. Refreshments and door prizes will be available. Contact: Kathy Forster, Loan Specialist at 770-267-1413 ext. 114, or email her at


Employee Spotlight:

Gary Barr, Utilities Director

With this newsletter, we will begin introducing you to those who serve you for the city. Utilities Director Gary Barr is this month’s spotlight. On March 1, 2019, he begins his 29th year serving as your Utilities Director. He is responsible for all public utilities, water service, sewer service, garbage service and much more. He supervises a staff for four and his efforts have been recognized for  excellence on a number of occasions. If you have lived in the city long, you know Gary. He can be counted on to do what’s right, work hard and demonstrate remarkable dedication. Gary moved here from Alabama by way of Atlanta in 1969. He was here before Etowah Water & Sewer Authority was created and worked to make that entity possible with Don Gordon and Sandy Adams. Gary is married to Kay and they have four grown sons and four grandchildren. He is also well known for his baseball coaching expertise. We recognize Gary for a job well done and thank him for his continued service. 


We have had an enormous amount of rain in the city and in the area during the past few months. This has caused delays in the construction of Main Street Park and other projects going on around the city.  Just to update you on the park, we are required to conduct roll tests, which must occur before the contractor can place asphalt on the gravel base that has been down since November. The gravel is so wet that the asphalt will not adhere properly and will crack and crumble if it is not dry underneath. We are working with the contractor to get other options so that we can get the park completed and move on with the playground and bathroom, as well as landscaping. This will hopefully allow citizens of the city and county to enjoy the park during the summer months. We also look forward to having it available during the Moonshine Festival and are considering other options for other events there.